Archive for the ‘Hip Hop’ Category

Here’s a short video for a short song. I would call this an impulsive project, as the music was figured out when I was jamming on the keyboard trying to entertain my other half on Skype one night while at work. I quickly arranged a draft and wrote the lyrics straight away. Went home to record a proper arrangement, and somehow I just left it at that.

Last night, however, my boss left the mic in the control room as he was recording himself doing backing tracks before I came in. I just thought, well, might as well record a demo or something. Then it got serious. And while the whole thing was taking shape, I had a couple of good ideas for the video, and decided on one of them after I was done recording.

What followed resulted into this. Enjoy.

Dope in Double Dosage

Posted: September 17, 2010 in Hip Hop, Malaysia, Singapore

2 of my most respected regional acts dropped their latest videos yesterday!

First it was my good friend Kwizyne from Singapore, whom you may recognize from my song Culinary Arts in the mixtape. One of the few in Singapore I look up to lyrically, he had a mixtape out last year, and this video hints the next one coming soon, something about the whole thing being based on the Akira movie. On the song and video itself, I think we can all agree that Kwizyne was the right person to do this.

Later that night, Malaysian underground Hip Hop heavyweights The Rebel Scum released The Lost Chamber, a song previewed and performed in almost every recent Rebel Scum show I could recall. With a high quality production and a Wu feel to it, nothing beats pockets of momentary stagnant states of Malaysian Hip Hop than the unpredictable releases(some would say comebacks coz of how long they waited) by the scene legends themselves.