
To all my fellas on the quest to get iller
To little kids with so much to deal with

The next train comes in five minutes
And I’m scribbling thoughts to not get bored in this-
exchange from walking to high speed trains
Massive capacity to carry people away
From the heart of the city to the skinny beaches
From the depth of the country to the tourist features
The business districts are busy with people
This train station is the only place that we’re all equal
I see the many faces that wait for the train to come
Many walks of life stationary all of the sudden
They only start moving to board or leave the trains
Ages of races is how long we have to wait
The faces are vast in variety of and status
Incomes and looks, fashion and appearance
I love to watch the babies in their mothers’ arm sheilds
Also the snobbish girls who got nothing else to unveil
Standing with the squashed, rush hour, waiting-
to arrive at my exit, it really takes patience
We gain savings of travel expenses, teaches us-
to be humble coz no matter where you’re from, you’re stuck in between stations
This is where journeys start and end
Seven in the morning and just after ten
We either catch some sleep or prepare for amends
While lovers find it a great place to spend time together
This is the kind of place for anyone to coincide
Mind the person next to you, tryna enjoy the ride
Annoying service announcements are the only music
Unless you brought gadgets of escape, please use it
There aint no place to sit? the floor is always clean
Especially for long trips, why not rest your feet
Watching the others leave gives room to breath
And your heart is pleased when you’re almost reaching your stop
Doors open wide like arms greeting me home
Tap out my card, still a long walk to go
Got on the escelator, get out the underground
Elevate to ground level, embracing the traffic sound
For this portion of my journey, I walk alone
Accompanied only by strangers walking the same floors
Walk past the food courts, some are still open
But it’s time for cleanup duty so they wouldn’t take your order
My stomach is almost filled with hunger
What is tonight’s leftover? I’m starting to wonder
But thank God, He gave me a nice landlady
Who cooks a little extra instinctive of my singing belly
I pass by reality teasing destiny
Morals are divorced, fathers could never rest in peace
I’m walking in between blocks that built a nation
Tourism ads censor out what the habitat embraces
Double storey houses are attacked by burglars
While the people in the flats are left by the government
The barking dogs disrupt my deep thinking
The old lady left food for the stray cats again
Five minutes to home, creeping with the bats
Between these bungalows, fatigue is still attached
It’s been a log day and it’s about to end soon
I can almost smell the piss I’ll be releasing inside the bathroom
The smell of the shophouses I consume
As I approach the elevator going up to level one-two-
Twelve, the lift gives me the freaks
Especially after watching Ju-on 2 the one with the kid
I look down at this page as I get to my floor
I hear screams of the neighbours as I walk to my door
Took off my wet shoes, unlock the grill
Dial your number trying to ignore my phone bill

No matter where we and what we’ve been through
I’m always coming back home to you
Even if our faith was proven untrue
I’m always coming back home to you
They can try to win my heart but I saved your room
I’m always coming back home to you
Smiling on the outside crack the shell I am blue
I’m always coming back home to you
Walking ’round the blocks like when we used to
I’m always coming back home to you
I would always believe I would get to see you soon
I’m always coming back home to you

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